Babys First Birthday Games For Adults At A Babys First Birthday Party?

Games for adults at a babys first birthday party? - babys first birthday

In the first of my children's birthday, and since we do not know many people with children, is the guest list for all adults. What are the good baby-related games or activities to play with adults?

So far, I think that baby weight and size and number of words you can make baby name, but I want one please or two more!


bigdaddy... said...

This is a cool game, my wife tryed it at a baby shower so I guess I could try it, go buy some 10 jars of baby food and all types of labels take off and get a small teaspoon and that any person guess take a test and the first person to what he gains, but the person must be blindfolded when it comes to baby food, carrots and spinach and get zapping only enjoy the happiness and

Jia said...

They give no games one years old party. All parties first birthday, I had lasted approximately 2 hours. The meeting, dinner and conversation of 45 minutes included, you will see that the baby has opened about 30 minutes, turning the room to eat cake and blow out the candles, the children you see around 20 minutes, then coffee and conversion costs. I believe that games can add an unnecessary amount of time. Their results are not to your children when playing on his first birthday.

Hannah's mommy said...

I do not know. IMO it is for adults to play a stranger at a birthday party. Those who simply enjoy visiting each other and your son. Enjoy it, open the present and eat cake.

gmdee said...

Interesting, is not heard of games with adult birthday of a child.

movieguy... said...

beer pong, tennis or where milk

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