Gluten Allergy Gluten Allergy?

Gluten Allergy? - gluten allergy

through a process of elimination, I concluded that I am allergic to gluten. can someone tell me please include what type of foods that contain gluten. I remember something in a package (contains gluten) All packages have the label.


Nancy said...

Two boards with tons of information, product support, product alerts, recipes, etc., etc., etc.

Gluten is in wheat, rye and barley. Oats should also be avoided because they are contaminated with wheat, the milling process.

Gluten is something much stronger. There are obvious things like bread, pasta, etc. Then there is the gluten hidden in everything from soy sauce, candy, shampoo, cosmetics, even some medications. The list is long.

However, there are many good alternatives. So you will have no difficulty in gluten-free bread, pasta, pizza, pastries, cakes, brownies, etc.

After the hang of it, it is easy to use.

I hope you will join us to find on the boards. There are many good people there.


jo said...

Part of something pretty much all the wheat flour in breads, biscuits and cakes. It is also in the darker things, such as crisps, chocolate and gravy. sufficient evidence of what can be done to see if you are allergic, I would, because I say from experience that a diet without gluten is not funny

Anonymous said...

Eating dumplings! bye bye answer

pegs_dow... said...

say that most of the food in the back, a good place to buy food without gluten Aldi to buy there because our daughter Gulten can not.

OO7 said...

Foods that contain gluten:
Noodles (made from wheat flour)
Bread (from wheat flour)
Cakes and pastries (wheat flour)
Breakfast cereals (wheat flour)
Gluten is found in many processed foods and can be a hidden element - filler, a thickening agent, for example, is gluten-free malt aroma.
If you tolerate a small amount to the Kellogg Cereal - Frosties / Cornflakes (99% corn when they can - they add aroma of brewing barley, which contain gluten!)

Try at Tesco supermarket - which is now a variety of foods without gluten and spirals most foods such as sandwiches, toast, pasta in Nice - and spaghetti, cakes, biscuits.
Waitrose is also good for variety.
The packaging is always better time - there are new provisions for the entry into force of allergy info, but they still have their eyes on the label!

Good luck - hope you feel better.

kuku said...

allergic to gluten, which you suffer from celiac disease, a problem of absorption in the intestine. Get your doctor to check to confirm. Sticky foods are mainly those that contain wheat, some types of rice and barley. Most of the food, but they are labeled gluten-free or not, so always check the label.

Butterfl... said...

I can not say that in Sainsburies gluten, but have a section that goes to products from wheat gluten and sell as freely.

Andromeda Newton™ said...

Most packages now says suitable for celiac disease or gluten-free, even if some do not.

Http:// to create a directory that has all the gluten-free products on it and update it annually.

Personally, I tend to say things, gluten-free / libre and keep specific lots of fruits and vegetables, etc., and make my sauces from scratch. There are many gluten-free products there also are no longer used.

Try a company called Juvel (they have no sites in my hand, I'm afraid), but they offer gluten-free products such as bread, pasta, etc.

Even if you are diagnosed with celiac disease, you have all of your prescription orders.

Good luck, do not hesitate to me for further information please contact! Maybe I can help!

Ruthie Baby said...

Gluten is a part of durum wheat - so that more more wheat, gluten.
Gluten is what causes the fiber bread instead of cake like.
Gluten is typically from other grains and are usually caky - but save all the problems associated iintolerance gluten

DuctTape... said...

Many things have gluten in bread, cakes, cookies, and these things have in some supermarkets have gluten products, which are intended to be free of gluten flour or rice flour potato. Most products, when they say that gluten in

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