Difference Between Bushnell 1500 And 1600 Golf Range Finder Please Can Someone Tell Me What The Difference Is?

Please can someone tell me what the difference is? - difference between bushnell 1500 and 1600 golf range finder

Hello, I'm buying a laser rangefinder Bushnell this week, and I am the healing Bushnell Pinseeker 1500 Bushnell THW edition in progress or pending Pro 1600 Edition, but can someone tell me the difference between these 2, because there are a price difference and I know the Bushnell Pro 1600 is the latest version, but I do not see further than the 1600 s. Can someone help me.


Marty said...

I do not know the difference between the two models, I suggest you do not buy the version of the slopes. The USGA allows the use of instruments to measure the cost and not as illegal.

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