Genital Pimples Pic Genital Pimples? Any Doctors Here?

Genital Pimples? Any doctors here? - genital pimples pic

This is really freaking me out.any doctors here? I would be glad of your help. Please do not answer to the mere fact of creation. I did nothing wrong, and all I ask is done, that some educated answers. Thank you =).

Ok this HPV or other sexually transmitted diseases, things bother me. I have the keys .... in my vagina. Sometimes going to be there .... but I think I have 3 or more at the same time, to my knowledge. He also started a bit in the middle of the school. I'm now 7th in the. I do not think that I did before hand. They come and go and not have them often. Only a few times and are not super good, but sometimes it hurts when I have a little walk. I'm only 13 and I've never had sex before! These include oral. Until I the pictures of genital warts and do nothing. They are not all that great.

So, if members have a before and this is normal, if (even if it is not usual), the worry? Or am I going crazyd run and in the clinic?

Thanks for the help! Please respond to things that are pretty safe and what is useless answers. Thank you!


Dr Noopur, MD said...

"I never had sex, so that these little bumps, or infected hair follicles present cooks May. Folliculitis is an inflammation of one or more hair follicles. The disease can spread throughout the skin.

Folliculitis begins when hair follicles caused by friction from clothing, blockage of the follicles are damaged. In most cases of folliculitis, the damaged follicles are then infected by the bacteria Staphylococcus (staphylococci).

Please keep the area clean and antiseptic for some. Wear cotton and also the appropriate use of antibacterial soap or a mild soap like Dove. Avoid all types of cosmetic products. Topical antibiotics such as neomycin or mupirocin ointment, which are also useful. If symptoms persist, then oral antibiotics may be necessary. Please consult a dermatologist, in this case.

I hope that helps. Pay attention and consideration.

Demosthe... said...

The best thing to do is see a gynecologist. You could also shave (if you), and only a few beans. Could, however, if you around the vaginal opening (instead of pants in a harbinger RUB) of something more serious.
"Suffering is, a common grain during this stage at a time in our lives. But it is also important to note, in which the grains grow into the skin. If there is one place you do not want to have a grain-course There is growing. However, as we have a great community, pimples in the genital area is also common. The skin of the pubic region is covered most of the time, and this condition is an ideal place for the grain involved.

Your genitalia is somewhat the same with its hairy body, it is always possible that their genitals are suffering from problems such as ingrown hairs, in this case, pubic hair grows inward. It is increasingly used as a wax or shaving these areas regularly.

The genitals are a sensitive area that requires special care and attention. Unlike the treatment of facial pain must be extra-soft in the treatment of genital warts grain. The application of creams, can cause itching or even burning.

Therefore, it is important, what exactly are the genitals of grain. It is best to your doctor about this condition to consult, because of outbreaks in the genital area may be the presence of serious health problems, give more.

Genital Pimples usually occur one after the other. Be careful when you see a group of grain, because it can be a form of infection or a sign of STD. Other sexually transmitted diseases show button-like symptoms and rashes, such as syphilis. If you do this symptom in their genitals, then you can better see your doctor immediately.

Are in the meantime, if you are sure that we have is an ingrown hair or genital button has not yet seriously infected, you can some medications for self at home. Here are some steps are as follows:

1. Try to wear comfortable clothes in large quantities of grain, until the priest. This increases the ventilation in the genital area and to reduce tension betweenCereal and underwear.

2. They eliminate the lifting, or ingrown hair on your own.

3. Place a warm compress to the affected area 3 times daily for 10 minutes. To open a warm, damp cloth hair bumps or pus, and encouraged, and remove from the pores.

4. Practice good daily hygiene.

These measures should not exempt you from the buttons on the location genital regularly and consistently. If this problem continues to consult to develop a way, then a doctor for help.

You should also remember that not being careful genitalia may have in particular:

The region also produces genital skin cells, like other parts of the body. You can scrub stroking the affected area with a clean cloth to help scrape off dead skin that can clog the pores to help. It is best to the area in front of the scrub growth.

* Be sure to wear underwear, that right is similar. Sub-tight clothing can cause friction can grow your hair deep into the skin.

* Finally, I canGenital heart dry after washing. This will grow to prevent the spread of bacteria and other organisms in the genital area, and thus less friction in the sensitive areas of the genitals. "

Screech Owl said...

With a history of sexual contact without any possiblilties depend on the exact location, the surface of the skin or mucous membranes (wet) area (vagina, in simple terms is a little vague on the surface of the labia majora, the inner surface of vagina?)

The likely causes are
Ingrown hairs 1) there is a pore, like other pores have a hair on the surface;
Sebaceous 2) Swimming pool (there is a small bump under the surface of the skin and hair follicles on the surface of the bridge.
3) blocked sweat glands (little or no lumps under the skin surface, the tip of the cusp with a pore.
4) hair follicle inflammation (irritation) or infection with or provided for through the urine (the urine may drip if found)
5) a number of important (but can you care) the conditions of the skin, making parts of the skin.

If none of the above: review, topical antibiotics, wet compresses and hot, clean, dry and after urination. If you are overweight, and there is an increase in friction, wear and Desitin ointment to the skin by rubbing it on hold (a littleSurface of the lips once) per night. If you think it is dry and urine after urinating and consider Desitin or A & D night because they are based oil and press excreted in the urine.

The inner surface of the vagina is full of wrinkles and unevenness in general, if a state of health to describe, is difficult. If there are any obstacles in the vagina and is always the same location, size and color (pink), then it is probably normal.

PS can not substitute for a gynecological examination, if not help the top.

Good luck.

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